Friday 25 November 2011

Black Friday/Cyber Monday

It's that time again! This year, I am offering a huge discount on all prints (excluding postcards and calendars in all of my shops).

My Black Friday sale ends on Saturday morning at 10am, UK time. On Cyber Monday I will be having another sale.

If you want a good deal, grab it now!

I hope you had a relaxing Thanksgiving (if you celebrate it) and are enjoying your long weekend.

The Butterfly Collection
The Butterfly Collection ~ Cassia Beck on Etsy

Tuesday 22 November 2011

I ♥ Autumn!

Running through leaves.
My son just loves to run through the leaves.
Simple pleasures!

Monday 26 September 2011

Friday 23 September 2011

Easy Living Magazine

I was pleased to find my work has been mentioned in the September issue of Easy Living Magazine!

The article, titled "Gorgeous Gifts Online" mentions where some of my work is stocked.

Easy Living

Easy Living

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Society 6

My work is now available on Society 6 Here you can buy my photographs as skins for your iPhone, iPad and laptop.

Make your stuff pretty!

iPhone Ca
Cassia Beck

Monday 19 September 2011

Saturday 17 September 2011

I'm Back!

Wow! It has been a long time. We have moved house and had a baby so things have been pretty busy round here.

What an exciting time it has been for us!

Firstly I would like to introduce Louie, he is now eight weeks old and a real cutie pie. His big brother adores him, and, after all this time, is prepared to mop up sick and help change his nappy.

We have also moved to a bigger house, in a better location and are much happier for it. Pictures of the house will follow as we slowly unpack and organise our home.

For now, here is a peek at little Louie.


See you on Monday.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Monday 25 April 2011

Dandelion Clock

Dandelion Clock
What a sweetheart!

Easter Weekend

Vase of Flowers
The weather was beautiful, the doors and windows were open all weekend.

Easter egg hunt
Our son was excited when we organised his egg hunt, so lovely to watch.

Daisy Heart
I made a heart with Daisies.

Happy Easter everyone!

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Spring Sale!

I am having a spring sale in all three etsy shops.
All items have been reduced by 40% (excluding postcard sets and badges).

I hope the weather is as beautiful where you are as it is here in the UK!

Happy shopping!

Crazy Golf
Crazy Golf ~ Violet May

Baby's Breath ~ Lola's Room


Golden ~ Cassia Beck

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Soft Greens

Here are a couple of new prints I have just added to my etsy shop.
They are calm and quiet, just what I need right now!

With a baby due in July and the roller coaster ride we are having with the sale of our house, I seriously need some calm.
Despite all of the stress we are going through, I am thinking postive and feel thankful for everything we have. Sometimes problems feel huge but when you step back and look at what others, worse off than you, are going through it puts things in perspective. We'll be alright!

Spring is here and it is beautiful!

Bathed in Light
Bathed in Light

Dandelion Clock
Dandelion Clock

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Help Japan Donation

Thank you to those who made a purchase during my Help Japan week in my Etsy and Folksy shops!

Last night I made a donation of £64.75 to the British Red Cross and £64.75 to Save the Children

You can see a screen shot of the donations below.

Thank you again!

Thursday 24 March 2011

Help Japan Update

Hello all!

A huge thank you to my Folksy customers who have helped me raise £110.50 for the Japan relief effort so far!

I will be making the donation within the next few days and will post a screen shot here on the blog. £55.25 will go to Save the Children and £55.25 will go to British Red Cross.

Now that my sale has finished in my etsy shops, I have introduced donations there too.
Please visit Cassia Beck or Lola's Room or just make a donation straight to the charity of your choice!

Many thanks!

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Help Japan

Hello all!
It's been a while. Not only am I due to have my second child in July but we are now moving house so things are a bit hectic around here!

I am popping in to tell you about my Folksy shops. I am donating 50% from every item sold to aid Japan. 25% from each sale will go to Save the Children and 25% to British Red Cross

You can visit my shops here:
Cassia Beck
Lola's Room

These donations will also be introduced in my etsy shops next week.


Thanks for stopping by and please pop back for updates on how much is being raised through my shops.

Monday 10 January 2011

Big news!

I have some wonderful news, I am three and a half months pregnant!

Baby No.2!
Baby No.2

I have been so ill with morning sickness and experienced a complete lack of motivation so everything went on hold.

I haven't written a blog post in a long time and I am not sure how I will keep going with it once the baby is here, we shall see what happens.

For now, I have my January sale going on in both of my shops on Etsy (Dollars) and Folksy (Pounds). All prints excluding large sizes, postcards and badges have been reduced by at least 50%.
Mini calendars have also been reduced and won't be around much longer.

Lola's Room -

Cassia Beck -

Happy shopping!