Friday 19 February 2010

Hello Weekend!

I'm in the mood for a little clothes shopping this weekend....and of course I'll be taking some photographs along the way.

What are you doing this weekend?

Hello Weekend!

Have a good one!


  1. Oooh I just bought a few items for Spring, hope you find some fun items!

    Have a great weekend too, we're just chilling and taking lil road/photography trips while we have nice weather here:-)

  2. Sounds like a great weekend, I would love to do that!
    I hope you get some good shots.

  3. I bought a new bag yesterday - it made me think of the summertime and vacations, so I just had to get it. Quite an easy weekend here. Dinner with friends yesterday evening. Hair cut today. Staying home making fresh pasta with lemon sauce and shrimps tonight. Some fitness on Sunday and nothing much more. And its just started snowing again! Enjoy your weekend and let us know what you find out shopping.

  4. Hi again. Just to let you know, i've tagged you over at my blog for a 'Sunshine Award'. When you have a moment, stop by and have a read to find out more. What did you find out shopping?

  5. Thank you Victoria, I will have a look!

    I didn't find much unfortunately, it's probably a good thing :)
