Wednesday 14 April 2010

Travel Stories

I feel like I need a holiday.
I have a huge list of places I'd like to visit. New York, San Francisco, South of France, Italy, Scotland.....oh, my list is endless!
If you were to go on holiday where would be your first choice?

Free as a Bird

I'd Like to go on Holiday

Prints available in Lola's Room.


  1. I have such a wanderlust feeling at the moment too! I have a real thing at the moment for Santorini, in Greece - it has totally captured my heart xx

  2. Such beautiful images Cassia! I'd love to travel so many places as well but, I think Paris and Rome are top on my list. Have a lovely Wednesday. ♥

  3. I love your photos from Lola's line all the time
    The hue of vintage like / wash out turquoise and pink


  4. Those pictures are stunning! I really want to travel somewhere on an old steam train, take it slowly and savour the views. Oh, only to be anle to afford it!

  5. Cassie, I have been to Santorini, it is such a special place and so beautiful! I would love to go back.

    Thank you Kristi. I have been to Paris but not Rome, definitely on my list!

    Thank you jujube!

    Amyrose, that sounds perfect and very different!

  6. The weather has been so great lately, so I think I'd head to NYC... wander around Central Park and sit outside of cafes.

  7. I'd go to Iceland. That is my dream for the moment! I love the blossom photo. Beautiful! Xx

  8. I'd be off to Australia in a hot second! :-) Love your dreamy photos.

  9. Stars&amp, That sounds perfect to me!

    Olly, I would love to visit Iceland, my parents went and loved it.

    Rambling Tart, yes!

  10. Tokyo!

    I love your photos, how do you get the dreamy light effect? Do you use filters in Photoshop? :)
